TLB News (طلبة نيوز للإعلام الحر)
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Professor Adel ... (.) السبت, 02/22/2014 - 10:44

You are absolutely wright. I think what is happeninig now is a recepie to destroy medical educuation and the profession of medicine. I think all the existing medical scools in Jordan at this momment do not meet the accredetaion requirements if applied strictly. Now we can see graduates of the govenmental medical colleges are at a level worse than those graduated from countries not up to standards and if this plicy of opening medical schools continues then there will sooner than later graduates do not know anything in medicine and very soon we will see unemployment in medical doctors graduated from our beloved jordanian medical schools. Ithink this none sense should stop otherwise we will see gradutes similar to those in Tawjihi, student can read or write or speak properly in either english or Arabic.

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